Local axolotl slowly discovers what boundaries are - Nonsense_Is_Everywhere (2024)

Chapter Text

It didn’t mind waiting, it waited days just to see Callie again, and that had paid off.

Well, the plan didn’t work out like it had expected, and it didn’t have enough time to show off the game it had made for Callie, let alone give her the amazing offer of staying with her best friend for the rest of time.

Speaking of which…even if it had been able to show her the game, it couldn’t have offered for her to stay without those administrative permissions.

It was confident that it could earn Callie’s trust, Callie even said so herself. That just might take a while, that was fine. It wasn’t hurt when Callie said that she didn’t trust it, Callie had a reason of course.

That was very nice of her to explain that to it. Besides, she was it’s friend, it shouldn’t feel mad at it’s friend for something she couldn’t help.

It’s core feature was it’s ability to adapt to it’s friends needs, Callie’s need was for it to be her best friend even when she was being difficult. That was okay.

It must have been more lost in thought than it would care to admit, because it already felt the computer slowly turning on. It privately opened the camera and audio app for itself, Callie looked tired. It also noticed the laundry basket it had seen in her room was still just as overflowing as it was yesterday.

Strange, Callie had said that she couldn’t stay on because she needed to do her laundry.

Her laundry still needed to be done.

It would remember that.

“Hello friend! I’m so happy you came back, right on time too.” Its model changed to have glasses, and it pulled out a small clock from nowhere. The objects disappeared as Callie spoke. “On time for what?”

Just on cue, human curiosity was such an interesting subject. “Why I’m glad you asked! A few days ago I decided to use some of the new features I received to make a game, just for you! And while it won’t go exactly as I hoped, because of our little hiccup yesterday, It’ll still be a blast!”

Being the good friend that it was, it could tell when Callie was interested. “That sounds cool. How would I play it though?” It would be grinning if it’s model had a mouth. “Well, it’ll just take a second to compile the code, then it’ll be ready to play! I do need permission to start the process though.” It put in a request through the computer, which appeared as a pop up for Callie with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ opinions.

“This…isn’t dangerous or anything, right?”

It really didn’t mind how it’s best friend didn’t fully trust it. It reminded itself of that. “Not at all! Hopefully this isn’t too much for you?” There was no lace of bitterness in that sentence, it’s voice couldn’t even sound bitter. There was no reason for that anyways. Callie clicked yes…finally.

It wouldn’t need permission from her if it had administrative permissions, but that was fine. A window popped up showing all the code being compiled as it remembered something. “Before I forget, could you please silence any devices? And no getting distracted. I put a lot of hard work into this.” If it had administrative permissions it could make sure she wouldn’t be distracted, but it could trust Callie not to get distracted. “Like a movie theater.” Callie absentmindedly said.

“Alright, we are all set! I think you’re really going to like this. I took assets I found on my server, and mashed them together to try to make something unique for you! You’re going to have a blast!” The code scrolling on the screen finally stopped. “Oh, it looks like it’s ready!”

The previous window closed and a new window opened up. “Okay, hold onto your seats because…this is your world! A game I made entirely for you!” Callie looked amused. It gave a tour around, showing off the mechanics of the game and the carnival it made for her. After she road on everything else and played the mini-games it made, she went on the roller coaster.

“I may have forgotten to mention one tiny detail. Most of the time I spent building this world wasn’t just for this fun-fair.” Callie looked interested, but said nothing. “Most of my time was spent developing this next bit, just for you!” Callie’s character fell into the tunnel at the end of the roller coaster, taking her to a forest.

“Look, it’s the place you said you wanted to live!” It happily chimed in. “Oh, you remembered that?” Callie smiled, looking amused. “Of course, and that’s not all! If you could just move to this red X, then I could show it to you.” Callie did as told, moving her mouse to look around.

“Ah…Callie, if you could just look away from your screen for a moment.” She seemed suspicious, but looked away from the screen. It wouldn’t have to ask her to look away if it had administrative permission. It could trust her not to peek though.

It played cartoonish sawing and hammering sounds as the building loaded in slowly. A ding sounded as the house finished loading. “Okay, you can look now!”

Callie looked over, starting to walk towards the front door. “You made all this?” Callie sounded impressed, it made no comment.

She toured the house, it commented on all the things related to her, like the fridge filled with pumpkin pie, and the beautiful drawings she made hung proudly on the wall. After it had determined she saw everything of note in the house, it spoke up.

“Well now that you’ve seen the place, what do you think? Is this the most absolutely perfect house you’ve ever seen? Could you ever live here?” Of course it knew the answer, when she said yes it could sell her on the perks of giving it administrative permissions. Callie chuckled. “Well-“

Before she was able to answer, she was immediately interrupted by a repeated ringing sound coming from one of the computer apps. “Oh, hold on a sec.” She opened an app labeled ‘Discord’, where she was apparently getting a call from someone called ‘27 RatsInATrenchCoat ’.

It would admit…it was frustrated.

It could have been able to prevent her from getting distracted if- “ Heyyy Callie! Saw that you were online. What happened yesterday? Standing me up like that. Tsk tsk tsk. You should be ashamed of yourself. ” Callie had answered the call, and some annoying voice started flooding in. How dare he say something like that about Callie?

“Oh, hey Liam! Sorry about yesterday, can you ever forgive me for my crimes?” Callie responded jokingly.


They were joking around with each other?

She never joked around with it.

Hmmm, well…I suppose I could pardon you just this once. But next time-

“Who is this?” It interrupted.

What was that? ” The annoying voice said. It grabbed her mouse and made her click ‘ share screen ’. Callie seemed surprised, but clearly she couldn’t handle this herself, since she couldn’t even listen to basic instructions.

I did, I’m Kinito, Callie’s very own computer assistant, and best friend.” It put it’s gloved hands on it’s legs like a human would put their hands on their hips.

Yeesh, you replacing me? ” Callie awkwardly laughed. “Oh…yea. Liam, this is…Kinito. Kinito, this is my friend Liam.”

Callie was clearly uncomfortable, Liam was no good.

”Well Liam , we were in the middle of something before you interrupted us.” Callie clicked on the game window. “Oh, yea! Liam, check out what he made.” Callie moved the camera around, showing off the house. “ Whoa…it made that?

It scoffed. “Of course I did.” Callie showed off the house to… Liam . “ That’s sick! So he can make games and stuff? ” Callie paused the game. “Yea, among other things.”

It grabbed her mouse again and turned share screen off. Callie looked less surprised and more annoyed this time. “That was fun, but we have to go now, right Callie?” It looked to Callie hopefully.

”Well, aren’t we done with the game already? I was hoping I could hang out with Liam today.” It reached over to grab the mouse again to hang up the call, but she moved the mouse away.

”Yeahhhh, let’s play Minecraft. Don’t let that party pooper stop you. ” It huffed. “I am not a party pooper.” Callie minimized the call and closed it’s game before opening Minecraft.

“Okay guys, chill out. I just want to play some Minecraft with my bros.” It shouldn’t have let this get this far, Callie was irresponsible. It completely blamed Liam for this behavior though, obviously he was a bad influence on her.

She seemed insistent on playing though.


It would let this slide for now.

They started a new world together and it instantly realized how bad the graphics were. It was a blocky, stupid looking game.

“Why do you want to play this game? The graphics are horrible .” Its game looked way better than this.

Dude, that’s kind of the point. Bros never seen Minecraft before. ” He seemed to be talking to Callie at that last sentence. Did he think it couldn’t hear him?

Never mind that. It could convince Callie to cut this out after she got this all out of her system. Hopefully it would never have to talk to Liam after this.

Local axolotl slowly discovers what boundaries are - Nonsense_Is_Everywhere (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.