Capybara Vs Guinea Pig - Vet Explains Pets (2024)

Capybaras and guinea pigs are both popular choices as pets for many animal lovers. These two rodents may look similar at first glance, but they have many differences that set them apart. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of capybaras versus guinea pigs, including their physical characteristics, behaviors, and care requirements. We will also delve into some interesting trends related to these animals and address common concerns that potential owners may have.

Physical Characteristics:

Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world, with adults reaching up to 4 feet in length and weighing between 77 and 146 pounds. They have a barrel-shaped body, short legs, and webbed feet that make them excellent swimmers. Their fur is coarse and can range in color from brown to reddish-brown. In contrast, guinea pigs are much smaller, typically measuring between 8 and 10 inches in length and weighing around 2 to 3 pounds. They have a round body, short legs, and a coat that comes in a variety of colors and patterns.


Capybaras are social animals that live in groups called herds. They are known for their gentle and docile nature, making them popular as therapy animals in some parts of the world. Guinea pigs, on the other hand, are more timid and tend to be more solitary in nature. They are often kept in pairs or small groups, but they can also thrive as single pets with the proper socialization and care.

Care Requirements:

Capybaras require a large enclosure with access to water for swimming, as well as plenty of grass and vegetation to graze on. They are herbivores and should be fed a diet of hay, grass, and vegetables. Guinea pigs, on the other hand, are best kept in a cage with bedding material for burrowing and hiding. They also require a diet of hay, pellets, and fresh vegetables to stay healthy.

Interesting Trends:

1. The popularity of capybaras as exotic pets has been on the rise in recent years, with many people drawn to their unique appearance and friendly demeanor.

2. Guinea pigs have become increasingly popular as classroom pets, as they are low maintenance and easy to care for, making them ideal for educational purposes.

3. Some pet owners have started to create Instagram accounts for their capybaras and guinea pigs, sharing adorable photos and videos of their furry friends with a wider audience.

4. The trend of dressing up guinea pigs in cute costumes for social media has gained traction, with some owners even hosting mini fashion shows for their pets.

5. Capybara cafes have started to pop up in Japan, where customers can enjoy a cup of coffee while interacting with these friendly rodents in a controlled environment.

6. Guinea pig agility competitions have become a popular pastime for some owners, who train their pets to navigate obstacle courses and compete for prizes.

7. The demand for capybara and guinea pig grooming services has increased, with professional groomers offering trims, baths, and nail clipping for these beloved pets.

Professional Quotes:

1. “Capybaras are truly fascinating animals with their social nature and gentle demeanor. They make wonderful companions for those who have the space and resources to care for them properly.”

2. “Guinea pigs may be small in size, but they have big personalities and can form strong bonds with their owners. They are intelligent creatures that thrive on interaction and enrichment.”

3. “As a veterinarian, I have seen an uptick in the number of capybara and guinea pig owners seeking advice on proper nutrition and housing for their pets. It’s important to provide these animals with a balanced diet and a safe environment to thrive.”

4. “I have worked with capybaras and guinea pigs for many years, and I am continually impressed by their resilience and adaptability. With the right care and attention, these animals can bring joy and companionship to their owners.”

Common Concerns and Answers:

1. Concern: Can capybaras and guinea pigs live together?

Answer: It is not recommended to house these two species together, as capybaras are much larger and may accidentally harm guinea pigs.

2. Concern: Do capybaras require a special diet?

Answer: Capybaras are herbivores and should be fed a diet of hay, grass, and vegetables to meet their nutritional needs.

3. Concern: Are guinea pigs prone to health issues?

Answer: Guinea pigs are susceptible to certain health problems, such as dental issues and respiratory infections, so regular veterinary check-ups are important.

4. Concern: How much exercise do capybaras need?

Answer: Capybaras are active animals that require plenty of space to roam and swim, so a large enclosure with access to water is essential.

5. Concern: Can guinea pigs be litter trained?

Answer: Guinea pigs can be trained to use a litter box, but it may take some time and patience to establish this behavior.

6. Concern: Are capybaras legal to own as pets?

Answer: Laws regarding the ownership of capybaras vary by location, so it is important to check with local authorities before bringing one home.

7. Concern: Do guinea pigs need companionship?

Answer: Guinea pigs are social animals and generally do better when kept in pairs or small groups to prevent loneliness and boredom.

8. Concern: Can capybaras be potty trained?

Answer: Capybaras are semi-aquatic animals that may be difficult to potty train, but with consistency and positive reinforcement, it is possible to teach them to use a designated area for elimination.

9. Concern: How long do capybaras and guinea pigs live?

Answer: Capybaras have a lifespan of around 8 to 10 years in captivity, while guinea pigs typically live between 5 to 7 years with proper care.

10. Concern: Are capybaras aggressive towards humans?

Answer: Capybaras are generally gentle and tolerant animals, but they may become defensive if they feel threatened or cornered.

11. Concern: Can guinea pigs be kept outdoors?

Answer: Guinea pigs are sensitive to temperature extremes and should be kept indoors in a climate-controlled environment to prevent heatstroke or hypothermia.

12. Concern: Do capybaras need a water source to swim?

Answer: Capybaras are semi-aquatic animals that enjoy swimming, so access to a shallow pool or pond is recommended for their physical and mental well-being.

13. Concern: Are guinea pigs nocturnal animals?

Answer: Guinea pigs are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk, but they can adjust their schedule to match their owner’s routine.

14. Concern: How do capybaras communicate with each other?

Answer: Capybaras use vocalizations, body language, and scent marking to communicate within their herd, establishing social hierarchies and maintaining group cohesion.

15. Concern: Are guinea pigs prone to obesity?

Answer: Guinea pigs are at risk of becoming overweight if they are overfed or given too many high-calorie treats, so it is important to monitor their diet and exercise levels to prevent obesity.

In conclusion, capybaras and guinea pigs are unique and endearing animals that bring joy and companionship to their owners. While they have their own set of care requirements and characteristics, both species can make wonderful pets for those willing to provide them with a loving and enriching environment. Whether you are drawn to the gentle nature of the capybara or the sociable personality of the guinea pig, these rodents have a special place in the hearts of many animal lovers.

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How hard are capybaras as pets? ›

Capybaras are expensive to care for and a big commitment.

If you live in a colder climate, you must house your pet capybaras inside during colder months, so you will need to pay to heat the capybara's space and provide high-quality UVB lighting. Capybaras also may eat up to eight pounds of vegetation per day.

Why aren t capybaras pets? ›

Capybaras are shy around humans and it can take them time to warm up to you. These highly social creatures prefer being together in groups, so they are not necessarily happiest as pets and do better in the wild or in a zoo.

Are capybara just giant guinea pigs? ›

They're closely related to guinea pigs and rock cavies, and more distantly related to chinchillas and agouti. Like beavers, capybaras are strong swimmers. Their pig-shaped bodies are adapted for life in bodies of water found in forests, seasonally flooded savannas, and wetlands.

Are capybaras happy as pets? ›

They should live in the wild or in an environment curated by a professional zoo. And while capybaras are generally known to be friendly creatures, they aren't domesticated. You can train them to an extent, but it's important to remember they are still wild animals.

Why do capybaras have 3 toes? ›

It uses those webbed feet (four toes on each front foot and three on each back one) to swim as well as walk.

What are the cons of owning a capybara? ›

Because they are semi-aquatic creatures, you would have to provide them with plenty of water at all times, some owners choose to create special pools for them. Capybaras also need plenty of space to roam around. It is not a wise idea to keep them indoors, as they will chew on everything they find.

Are capybaras as smart as dogs? ›

All capybaras on Earth have the same or greater intelligence as dogs and cats. I pray that all capybaras living in facilities around the world will open up and live happily to develop their intelligence.

What is the most friendly rodent? ›

Guinea Pigs are affectionate and cuddly, making them the top emotional support rodent. Pet rats are highly intelligent and calm and perfect emotional support animals. The tiny, cute gerbil loves social interaction, a trait that is often an advantage for emotional support animals.

Why do you have to buy 2 capybaras? ›

If you love capybaras and want to have a capybara as a pet, please have at least 2 capybaras so that they can bond with each other and not with you. Tuff'n, by contrast, could not care less when Elizabeth and Marvin leave home. He was bonded with Romeo and as long as he knew where Romeo was he was happy.

What is the nickname of the capybara? ›

Quick Facts. Capybaras are excellent swimmers, hence their nickname, water pig. They have partially webbed feet, their front legs have four toes and their hind legs have three.

How fast is a capybara? ›

But they're also extremely agile on land

While Capybaras feel at home by the water's edge, they certainly know their way around the land, and are capable of reaching speeds of up to 35 kilometers an hour—that's as fast as a horse!

How old can a capybara be? ›

They can have a lifespan of 8–10 years, but tend to live less than four years in the wild due to predation from big cats like the jaguars and pumas and non-mammalian predators like eagles and the caimans. The capybara is also the preferred prey of the green anaconda.

Did giant guinea pigs exist? ›

It was 9ft long, it weighed 700kg or 1,500lb and it grazed on the lush banks of a South American river 8 million years ago.

Are guinea pigs a type of capybara? ›

Guinea pigs are more distantly related to the rodents in the genera Microcavia, Galea, Hydrocho*rus, Kerodon, and Dolichotis; which include other cavies, capybaras, and maras. The greater capybara Hydrocho*rus hydrochaeris, for example, is the largest rodent in the world. A family resemblance.

Can capybaras breed with guinea pigs? ›

No, a capybara cannot get a guinea pig pregnant. Capybaras (Hydrocho*rus hydrochaeris) and guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) belong to different species within the rodent family. While they share some similarities, such as being herbivorous rodents, their reproductive systems and genetic makeup are distinct.

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Both species belong to the same superfamily of the hystricomorph rodents as the guinea-pig. In guinea-pig pancreas two ribonucleases are present as a result of a recent gene duplication, but in capybara and cuis pancreas only one single ribonuclease has been found.

Can capybaras bark? ›

Capybaras are incredibly vocal animals and communicate using barks, chirps, whistles, huffs, and purrs. They chatter back and forth to keep track of one another. A warning bark is their first line of defense. If one animal feels threatened, the whole group barks until danger has passed.

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